Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Day 6 - Seattle

 Seattle, WA

After a lazy morning, a much needed lazy morning, we headed out to explore the city. First stop: the Space Needle.

Miles was not a huge fan of the heights, or the rotating glass floor, but loved the view. I struggled to sit on the glass bench that slides you onto the glass pane...

Next stop: Pike's Place Farmer's Market.
We ate a FANTASTIC seafood lunch at Lowell's, and had a chance to wander around the market before heading to the ferris wheel.

She loves her flowers 🌸

We were so lucky that it cleared up - this morning was cloudy and we weren't sure how the views would be. Turned out to be a wonderful day, and Charlie was feeling much better, which made the day so much easier!

Today's Totals:
0 miles
$721. Wow. I'm not sure what happened there, but there's no way that's in the budget...

Today's Lessons:
1. These kids can eat.
2. Time to do a budget check. I knew we would be spending a lot on this trip, but I'm hoping we can be a little stingy over the next few days before the heavy expenses in San Francisco and San Diego!
3. No matter how old the kids get, I'm still not ok with just wandering around the city with them - especially a city I don't know well. Maybe this will change?

Tomorrow we are heading out earlyish for Olympic National Park - I'm really looking forward to seeing the diverse ecology at this park!

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