Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Day 4/5 Rafting, Camping, City Life

 Day 4: Boise, ID

Got an early start on the day to head to Cascade Raft and Kayak for our whitewater rafting adventure!

This was all Miles idea, and we loved it! All except for the part where Charlie went cliff jumping, slipped on the rocks as she was taking off, and landed on her side in the water from a 25 ft. drop. She toughed out the rest of the river, but we were worried about a concussion. After a call to the doc, it was decided that we would NOT be doing a strenuous hike at Mount Rainier the next day, and that she needs to rest to recover.
So we moved on to plan B, which involves less hiking.

We drove to the base of Mount Rainer and camped in Cougar Rock. It has been awhile since we have set up the tent, but the kids are pros now, and we had camp set up in no time. The boys and I played a heated game of cribbage in the tent, and then we settled in for a quiet night's sleep. No cell service at the campground made for a very peaceful night.

Today's Totals:
511 miles
$495 ouch.

Today's Lessons:
1. Ramen, it's what's for dinner. Just some college prep going on.
2. The White Pass Scenic Byway was worth the drive!

Day 5: Mount Rainier National Park

This morning started out with a very short hike (Charlie waited in the car) so we could get some amazing views. She was at least able to get out for some pics on the drive up:

We stopped at Paradise Inn and hit the gift shop/snack place. Even though we weren't able to do the 5.5 mile Skyline Trail, we got to see some amazing things on our short hike. Since we had time to kill, we decided to go to lunch in Tacoma.

After driving into Tacoma, we found: traffic, casinos, fires, and a dead body being put into an ambulance. So... we left, without lunch, and went back into the forest to Snoqualmie Falls for lunch and some sightseeing. On the way there, I received a call from the bank saying that my bank card, the card that all of the trip money is tied to, had a fraudulent charge on it so they are cancelling it. Fun side note: I'm in the middle of purchasing a house, so I can't use my credit cards. Thankfully, I still share an account with Hayden and he actually remembered to bring his card, so the rest of the trip is on him. Well, sort of lol. At least I can transfer money, I'm not sure what we could have done as my bank doesn't have branches anywhere on this trip. 
Anyway, we saw some nice falls!

We then headed into Seattle for the next 2 nights. We, for whatever reason, were upgraded to a deluxe city view:
And that's where I've been since. Lots of driving over the last few days, I'm good with slacking in the hotel room for the night! The restaurant downstairs had carry-out, so we really did not need to leave.

Today's Totals:
158 miles

Today's Lessons:
1. Paradise Inn reminded us all of "The Shining".
2. The kids can take down the campsite in less than an hour.
3. After 5 days I have finally figured out the best way to pack the car.
4. Charlie could use a couple of nights in a real bed, so this worked out well. 
5. There is kale in everything here. And NOT as a garnish, you're expected to eat it. 

Tomorrow we have the whole day to explore the city - but we will be going by foot or by Uber - my car could use a little break! The only thing scheduled is the Space Needle, so we will see where the day will take us.

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Day 14/15 - Viva Las Vegas

 Day 14: Las Vegas, NV We started out the day by heading to the Lighthouse District in San Diego for lunch at Hodad's - something Hayden...