Friday, July 23, 2021

Day 1 - On the Road

 Roadtrip 2021: PCH Seattle to San Diego

"Travel is still the most intense mode of learning" Kevin Kelly

Tentative Itinerary:

Boise, ID
Mount Rainier NP
Seattle, WA
Olympic NP
Astoria, OR
Florence(ish), OR
Redwoods NP
San Francisco, CA
San Diego, CA
Yosemite NP (hopefully!)
Lake Tahoe, NV

Today started out relatively on time, especially for me, but I've learned to give myself an hour window for when I want to leave, and then add 15 minutes to that. Well, 15ish. We are one minion short, and on our way to pick up Charlie in Utah - lucky kid flew out there on Sunday to spend the week with the cousins. 


Very excited about this trip, and I'm hoping to spend less time on my phone planning and more time enjoying what we are doing. Apparently reservations and planning ahead are helpful with that? So I did try and plan ahead a little this year. We landed in a hotel in Rawlings, WY (not planned lol). Not too bad for a day's drive, and better than waking up everyone in the Bathurst household at 2:30am.

1132 miles
$244 - gas was up near $4, and I don't see it getting any better...

Today's Lessons:
1. Don't feed the boys Domino's for dinner the night before a road trip.
2. If you do feed them Domino's, don't hide the Febreeze in the trunk... 

We are just a few hours away from the cousins, can't wait to see them all tomorrow!

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